Friday, 27 April 2012

Jessica Part 01

Jessica really enjoyed her double life. One, which the whole world knew about. A highly successful supermodel with her muscular, taut body and gorgeous looks, she had graced every conceivable magazine known to man. The other about which only she knew. That of a ruthless killer who loved killing people with her bare hands with a smile on her face. She needed no reason whatsoever to grab someone by the throat and strangle him to death. It was a pastime for her which she enjoyed immensely.
The darker side of her personality began 5 years ago. She was used to the abuse received from her alcoholic, worthless husband. She had just started out as a newcomer in the modelling industry and needed as much support she could get from all quarters. She knew she could stand up to him in a fight, as she was physically much stronger than him, being an athlete during her school and college days and then going onto participate in various fitness competitions all over the world before being forced to marry Kenny, but she did not as she had no means to support herself and her 6 year old son. So she endured the abuse as much as she can without any retaliation and tears in her eyes.
On a fateful Sunday, she was in her room, posing in front of the mirror in her bikini for the upcoming competition when she heard noise coming from the kitchen. She hurried downstairs and what she saw made her blood boil. Kenny was standing over John, drunk out of his mind, with his belt in his right hand beating his son without any mercy. Jessica quickly ran up to him and grabbed the belt and yanked it away from the drunkard.
“What the hell are you doing, beating a child like that?” she snarled, livid.
“Tell the punk to respect me or someday I will beat him to death,” Kenny slurred his speech.
Enraged, Jessica wanted to kill him then and there but she restrained herself. She bent down and picked up her semi-conscious son in her arms and carried him to his room. She gently lowered him into the bed and kissed his forehead.
“What did you do, bud?” she asked.
“Nothing mama, I was just playing in the front yard when daddy came to me and told me to come inside. When I got in, he looked angry and slapped me and I fell down and then he started beating me,” John trailed off and started to cry.
“I promise you, bud; daddy will never hurt you again.”
“Promise mama.”
Well that was that. Jessica decided it was time to do something about the situation. She left her son’s room and stormed to the living room where he found her husband on the sofa staring blankly at the TV.
She stood in front of him blocking his sight, her hands on her hips, with looks that could kill.
“Hey get out of the way, you bitch. I am watching TV here, and while you are at it, put some decent clothes on yourself.”
Even before he had finished speaking, he saw her hands coming towards him and in the next instant her hands had clamped firmly on his throat. With inhuman strength, Jessica hauled Kenny off the sofa by the throat, his feet dangling in the air, a good 8 inches.
“Hey what you doing, bitch, leave me.”
“How dare you worthless piece of shit, how dare you beat my son so badly,” she snarled shaking him like a rag doll. Her grip on his throat tightening with every passing second, his body still in the air.
“From now on, you will not touch me or my son, you hear me, Kenny,” her grip on his throat was now like a vice.
She shook him vigorously as she realized that she could kill him with her bare hands if she wanted to.
Strange, strangled sounds started emanating from Kenny’s throat, as his face started turning red.
“I can’t hear you Kenny, I said did you understand?”
“Can’t breathe, leave me,” said Kenny with much difficulty.
“How does it feel, you bastard, when you are the one on the receiving end.”
Jessica slammed Kenny’s body against the wall, both her hands still wrapped around his scrawny neck. His body still dangling in the air. She was about to let go of his throat when she realized that Kenny was already dead.
“Good riddance,” Jessica thought to herself as she threw the dead body on the floor.

That was the day; she realized she was the dominant one. It made her smile for the first time in years. She did not have to live in fear anymore and the thing which she realized one more thing, killing was something she enjoyed immensely. Maybe this was her calling.

1 comment:

  1. I want a woman to strangle me like this
