Saturday, 28 April 2012

Jessica Part 02

Jessica sat on the park bench after her hour long jog for a rest, her white sports bra and blue shorts drenched with sweat. It was 6 o’clock in the morning and there was no one in sight at this early hour except for a few morning joggers like herself. She had to reach home soon and wake her son up and get him ready for school.
She was about to stand up and start for home when 2 thugs came out of nowhere and stood before her.
“You guys mind standing over to the side, I need to go home,” she said standing up.
“We’ll let you go alright, but first hand over everything you have got on you?” said the man with the craggy beard a knife in his right hand.
“I have nothing with me right now, you punks, now step aside or you’ll both be sorry.”
The other man, clean shaven looked at her and turned to his partner and whispered, “Mike, I think we should let her go. Have you seen her arms? They are bigger than mine.”
“Shut up, will you, Jason. She’s only a woman and we are two. We will rob her and then let her go. What is she going to do?”
“Are you guys moving?” Jessica had her hands on her hips, a frown on her face.
“First give us whatever money you have on you and step on it sis. We ain’t got all day.”
“Are you guys thick between the ears? I told you I have nothing on me right now.”
Mike stepped forward and grabbed her by the arm with his left hand, bringing his right hand, still clutching the knife close to her neck.
“Give us what we want or you’ll be sorry,” snarled Mike.
Before Mike could fathom what happened, Jessica punched him hard in the stomach with all her strength, driving out all the air in his body. Mike doubled over with pain and collapsed on the ground, the knife not in his clutches anymore.
“Get her Jason,” he screamed but it was only a whisper.
Jessica kicked Mike in the face and he screamed out in pain before losing consciousness.
She turned towards the now shaking Jason and smiled.
“Looks like your buddy fainted over there,” she took a step towards Jason, who seemed transfixed on the spot where he stood, overcome with fright.
“Look what I can do,” said Jessica in a soft voice as she stood in front of Jason, her right hand flashing forward, grabbing the terrified man by the throat. She hauled Jason’s frame off the ground without much effort, still smiling up at him.
“You see, I can break your neck in an instant with just a twist of my wrist but that would be too easy on you, don’t you think?”
She began to tighten her one handed grip on his neck, his feet dangling a foot off the ground.
By now, Jason was frantic, the pressure on his neck immense. He could not understand how this woman could lift him so easily off the ground, that too by his neck. Yes, she looked strong but still this was ridiculous, he thought.
He grabbed Jessica’s wrist with both his hands and tried to frantically pry it away from his neck, but try as he might, couldn’t budge them.
“I am strong, aren’t I,” Jessica smiled up at him and tightened her grip even more.
“Leave me, I can’t breathe,” croaked Jason, his face starting to turn red.
“Of course you can’t and in a few seconds you will stop breathing altogether.”
He summoned all the strength he had in his body and kicked her in the abs but the attempt was futile. She kept smiling.
“You fool, you can’t hurt me. These are rock hard abs here, she punched her abs a few times with her left hand to demonstrate to Jason just how rock hard they really were.
By now Mike had regained consciousness but was still groggy from the hard kick to his face. He cried out in pain.
“Look your buddy is awake. Now I will kill you and then I will kill him.”
“Please ma’am, don’t kill me. I didn’t want to rob you in the first place, it was all his idea,” croaked Jason.
“Sorry honey, I can’t help you here. You messed with the wrong girl and now you pay for it.”
“Hey what are you doing?” Mike was sitting now, a flabbergasted look on his face.
“Can’t you see I am in the process of killing your friend here? Don’t worry, you are up next.”
Jessica turned around towards Mike, still clutching Jason’s throat, his body still in the air and walked up to him.
“Put him down, you freak. What are you anyway?” screamed Mike.
“Oh I am nothing. Just the most powerful woman you will ever meet.”
She extended her left hand and this time caught Mike by the throat and started strangling him.
By now, Jason was already dead. Jessica dropped the body on the ground and looked at Mike.
“There, your buddy is dead. Now I can concentrate fully on you.”
She adjusted her grip on Mike’s throat and now used both her hands to grab his neck in a death grip. With as much force and strength she could muster, Jessica forced mike on his knees and then pushed him to the ground and sat heavily on his chest.
“Now hon, it’s time to meet your maker.”
She wrapped her fingers around Mike’s neck, placing her thumbs on his apple and began to squeeze.
“See this is a strangle hold I am using on you. This is the weapon of choice for me when I want to kill punks like you,” she smiled down at him. “How many people have I killed so far? Well too many to count really.”
Jessica could feel that she was about to have an orgasm. Strangling people always made her horny.
By now, Mike realized that there was no hope of escape for him, so he did the next best thing that he could think of.
He grabbed Jessica’s bra and tore it off and grabbed her breasts and started to squeeze.
“Now why did you do that for? Now how will I go home?” Jessica smiled evident that she enjoyed Mike’s performance.
“Yes baby, squeeze my breasts as I squeeze your neck.”
She orgasmed and she could feel her grip on Mike’s throat tighten. His eyes flew open, his hands dropped by his side and strangled noises started emanating from his throat.
“Yes, die for me.” Jessica’s eyes were closed.
She opened her eyes after a minute and looked down upon the dead face of Mike, his eyes open, but he was definitely dead.
Jessica removed her deadly hands from Mike’s throat and stood up picking her bra which was torn and was unusable. She looked around and saw no one.
Good, no witnesses. She looked down at the dead men and smiled again.
Turning around, the topless killer started for home.

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