Saturday, 31 December 2011

Throatlift 02

Throatlift 01

Rachael Part 5 (Story)

Rachael's son had been kidnapped and they wanted a ransom. Rachael had no intentions to pay up but she decided to kill the gang members. How dare they kidnap her son? She reached the designated spot where she was supposed to make the drop and waited for someone to come. Eventually, one of the gang members came and approached her.
"Did you bring the money? Where is it?"
"It is in this bag," said Rachael handing over a bag containing paper.
"O.K. Your son will reach home in 2 hours. Do not contact the police. Now go home."
As soon as he turned Rachael lashed out at him. Before he could take out his gun Rachael had grabbed him by the throat with one hand. With her other hand she took out the gun and discarded it. She placed both her hands on his throat and lifted the man's 170 pound frame off the ground.
"You see how strong I am. Now tell me where you are holding my son otherwise I will kill you."
The man was too stunned to speak. He tried to pry her hands away from his throat but could not. Rachael chuckled at his attempt and tightened her grip.
"I'll tell you everything. Please let go."
Rachael loosened her grip and put the man down. She kept on a one handed grip on his throat and hissed, "O.K. now speak."
"Your son is being held half a mile from here in a rundown building. Our boss is there with 3 guards."
"Any more information."
"Just that a whore is supposed to come and entertain us."
Rachael knew this was her chance. She looked at the man and said, “thank you. You have been very helpful. Now you die."
The man was terrified. His eyes became huge saucers. Rachael tightened her one handed grip on the man's throat and just stood there. The man realized there was no escape and tried to fight back. Rachael was amused. She placed her other hand on the man's throat and again lifted him up a good 2 feet in the air. He was being virtually hanged only that the noose was this woman's bare hands. Even as he was dying, the man could not help but wonder how beautiful this woman really was. Eventually he passed away and Rachael threw the lifeless body to the ground.
Now she had to pose as a hooker. Luckily underneath her coat she was wearing a top which revealed her massive cleavage and toned abs and navel. She discarded her coat and entered the building. As soon as she did so she was accosted by 2 guards. She told them she was the stripper. This pleased the guards.
"Just go down this corridor. Third door to your left. The boss is in there," said one of them.
"Thanks. Just one more thing, now both of you die."
As soon as she said it both her hands flashed out and gripped the men's throats. One in each hand. She pushed them up against a wall and with a single handed grip on each of the men's throat started strangling them to death. She did not even try and explain why she was doing this. The men eventually died a very slow death.
Because of the exertion, Rachael was sweating profusely. She made her way to the room where the boss was and knocked. The boss let her in and was amazed she was sweating so much. The room was bare except for a wooden bed. Rachael quickly took her top off and placed it on the floor. She asked the boss not to take his clothes off. "I am going to do something different today. Go lie down on the bed and I will be there in an instant."
This intrigued the boss. He lay down on the bed and motioned to Rachael to come to him. Rachael lowered her naked body on that of the boss and started kissing him.
"What is the different thing that you will be doing?" asked the man.
"Just this."
Saying this Rachael placed both of her hands on the man's throat and started strangling him.
"The boy you kidnapped is my son. If you want to live tell me where he is."
The boss panicked. He was having trouble breathing.
"He is in the next room. Please leave me."
"Thank you and sorry. Thanks for telling me where my son is and sorry that I cannot let you live. How dare you kidnap my son? You will have to pay for this."
Rachael adjusted her grip on the man's throat and placed her thumbs on his Adam's apple and began strangling him to death. She applied her death grip for a full 3 minutes. Her strong fingers tightly woven around the man's bull neck. She felt his body lurching forward and everything became still. She kept on the strangle hold for 2 more minutes and let go. He was dead.
She quickly put on her top and skirt and went into the next room. It was unlocked. She opened it and saw her son lying on the floor. There was a guard in the room. Rachael motioned to his son to keep quiet when he saw him and quietly crept up to him.
"Hey," she said in the most amazingly sweet voice.
The guard whirled around and came face to face with her. He could not take his eyes off her with her stunning face and perfectly toned abs and cleavage. Rachael did not even have to anything extraordinary. She just took away the guard's gun away from him and threw it away. She caught him by the throat in a one handed grip and hoisted him off the ground her top coming nearly up to her breasts.
Her son, Aaron, could not believe what he was seeing. Here was his mother lifting a fully grown man by the throat with just one hand. His mouth fell open.
Meanwhile, the guard was fighting for his life. His feet dangling 2 feet high in the air. Rachael kept on the grip for a minute before throwing the lifeless body to the ground.
She turned to her son and ran to him hugging him.
"Don't tell anyone what you saw just now. It is going to be a secret between you and Mommy O.K. Come let's go home."
"O.K.' said her son.

Japanese Strangle

Charlize Theron Strangle

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Choke Kill

Rachael Part 4 (Story)

Rachael was ready. Tonight was a big assignment for her. She had to terminate a man named Sal. The problem was he had an identical twin. Rachael had to be careful.
"I'll kill both of them," she thought.
Rachael was a hit woman working for a secret organization which eliminated enemies of the state in unique ways. Her weapon of choice was her hands which gave her satisfaction to see her dominance over her victims. She enjoyed her work and her boss took care of any loose ends which might indict her. Not that she was not careful. She was never caught and the cops had no clue what was happening or who the killer was.
Anyway, Rachael was ready. Sal and his brother lived in the outskirts of the city in a 2 bedroom apartment. Rachael reached the spot at 7 in the evening. Posing as a tourist, she knocked on the door. It was opened by a man in his late 20s. Was this Sal?
Sorry to bother you sir, but I seem to have lost my way, can you help me. My name is Rachael."
The man was mesmerized by her beauty. "Sure, please come in. My name is Val."
This was the brother. Too bad he had to die as well.
Rachael went in and asked for a glass of water. She learned that Sal would be home at 8.30. Good, she had an hour.
Rachael decided to turn on her charm. She took off her coat and placed it on the floor. Underneath she was wearing a see through top which did nothing to conceal anything. Val was in awe. Rachael began to seduce him. She sat beside the man and ran her hand over his thighs. Then she began kissing his cheeks.
This was enough for Val. "Let's go to the bedroom. We can be more comfortable there."
Rachael was only to ready. She followed him.
In the bedroom Rachael closed the blinds of the window and undressed herself. She motioned to Val to not to take off his clothes and lie down on the bed. Val did as instructed.
"This is going to be a night you will never forget as long as you live," Said Rachael.
Saying this she lowered her naked body on Val and started kissing him on the lips. Her hands on his chest. Val was in heaven. He could not believe his luck. She was passionately kissing Rachael when all of a sudden he felt Rachael's hands on his throat.
Rachael had very surreptitiously taken her hands off his chest and placed them on his throat. Still kissing him on the lips she started strangling him.
Val was dumbstruck. He tried to remove Rachael's hands from his throat but it was already locked in a vice like grip. Slowly Rachael, keeping her grip firmly placed on his throat sat up on his chest.
She removed one of her hands and caught both the wrists of Val and pinned them down on his chest. She adjusted her one handed grip on Val's throat and squeezed with all her might.
"Well, this is the end. Thank you for a wonderful evening." smiled Rachael.
Val was fast losing consciousness and within 3 minutes he was dead. Rachael kept on her one handed strangle hold for another minute before letting go.
One down, one to go.
As Rachael hid the body in the closet she heard Sal at the door opening it. Rachael had no time to put her dress on. She hid herself behind the door of the bedroom hoping for Sal to come in.
He did in 5 minutes as soon as he did than Rachael sprang up behind him and put her arms around his throat. Sal was flabbergasted for a few seconds but regained his composure and jerked Rachael's hands away. Rachael had a fight on her hands. Rachael knew she was stronger than Sal and so punched him in the stomach with all she had. Sal sat down at the blow. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. Rachael reached down and caught his throat in 1 hand. She jerked him up and brought her other hand to his neck.
"This is going to be nice and quick," she thought.
She backed Sal to the bed and threw him on it and sat down heavily on his chest.
"I came here to kill you. Too bad your brother got in the way. Now it's your time."
Sal's eyes were closed. As soon as he heard Rachael's voice they flew open. Rachael placed both her hands on his throat placing her thumbs on his Adam's apple and began strangling him.
Sal tried desperately to jerk her hands away from his neck. But she was too strong and he could not even budge them. It took Rachael 30 seconds to finish him off and another minute to make absolutely sure.
Rachael was exhausted by this time. She quickly got up and got dressed and left the apartment. She was mighty pleased with what she had done.

Rachael Part 3 (Story)

Tom was having a great time at the beach. After a hectic 6 months at work, he was glad he got a break from it. He immediately went for a holiday all by himself and enjoying himself immensely. At 6 feet tall and 180 pounds, he was a good looking guy who made women go weak in the knees. Wearing knee length shorts and a shirt, he was lounging around on the beach.
His eyes met that of a blond woman wearing a bikini and very attractive. He went up to her.
"Hi my name id Tom," he said grinning.
"Hello, I am Rachael," said the woman.
"I am here on holiday all by myself. I need a companion whom I can talk to. Are you here by yourself."
"My son is here with me but I can be your companion if you want to."
Tom was elated. "Let's go to my room. We can get some privacy there and anyway I am feeling a bit hot here on the beach."
"O.K." said Rachael. "Let's go."
Both of them went to the hotel and reached Tom's room. Inside they sat on the couch and chatted up.
"What do you do?" asked Rachael.
"I am an Investment Banker. What do you do and how old is your son?" He was clearly bummed that she had a son.
"He is 14. I am a professional hit woman," said Rachael and burst out laughing.
Tom also started laughing thinking she was joking. He did not ask her about her profession anymore. She started running her hands on his thighs which turned him on.
"Let's go to the bedroom."
Both of them went to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Rachael in her bikini was looking very ravishing. They started kissing each other, fondling each other. Then Rachael motioned Tom to lie down on the bed. He did as he was told. Rachael took off the bikini and lay down on Tom. They started their love making.
After about a few minutes Rachael sat on Tom's chest and looked down on his face.
"When I told you that I was a hit woman, did you think that I was joking?"
"Yes, were you not?" said Tom smiling.
"Honey, you are just about to find out."
As soon as she said these words, she smiled a very cruel smile and reached down with her two hands. She grabbed Tom's throat and started strangling him.
"Did you read about the 2 brothers who were strangled a few days ago in their apartment? Well I did it and I killed them exactly the way I am going to kill you now."
Rachael was now squeezing Tom's throat with all her might.
Tom was wide eyed. He desperately tried to claw at her hands but could not pry her hands away from his throat. He did injure her hands though with his fingernails and a little blood came out of the wound.
Rachael rolled her eyes. How would she explain the injury to her son? What an ass. Now she would have to kill him with just one hand. Rachael withdrew her hands from his throat and gripped his wrists. With her injured hand, she pinned both of his wrists on his chest and curled her left hand around his throat. Her huge hand completely engulfed Tom's throat and she smiled down at him. This kill was going to be very satisfying. Not that she did not enjoy killing.
"You know I enjoy strangling men with my bare hands. It makes me feel dominant. What do you think?"
Tom was in no position to speak. Even her one handed grip on his throat was enough to make him see stars.
"What happened baby, you can't talk? Don't worry in a few minutes you don't have to talk ever."
Rachael increased the pressure on Tom's throat.
She kept on strangling him for 2 minutes before she could feel his body lurching and falling dead. She kept on her death grip for another minute before finally releasing her grip.
She applied ice from the freezer on her wound and put her bikini back on. One last glance at the dead body and she went out the door to find her son.
"Aaron. Where are you?"

Rachael Part 2 (Story)

The words of her boss were still ringing in Rachael's head.
"Under no circumstances are you to allow any witnesses."
Rachael was at the back of the cab riding to the house of her victim. Wearing a top which came up to her midriff and black shorts and leather gloves, she looked every bit the whore she was trying to portray.
The cab came to a stop outside the building where the victim lived.
"Park the cab over there please," Rachael said, pointing to a parking spot up the road a little away from the building.
The driver obliged and did what was asked. Rachael was getting ready. She was not supposed to have any witnesses. It was already 2 hours past and there was nobody to be seen on the road. Not even a car. This was going to be easy.
As soon as the driver parked the car, Rachael got out of the car and reached the driver's door. She opened it and asked him to move over. The man was a bit bewildered but complied. The beautiful blond woman stepped into the vehicle and sat on the driver's seat.
"Sorry man, But I have to kill you," was the first thing she said and reached out and grab the guy's throat.
She began squeezing with all her strength and started strangling him to death.
The man's eyes popped wide open in astonishment.
"What are you doing? Please leave me. I can't breathe."
"Sorry honey, got instructions," was all Rachael said and kept on strangling him.
The man was getting desperate. He tried to pry her hands away from his throat with all his might but couldn't budge her hands.
"Don't fight back and it will be over soon," said Rachael.
Rachael kept her grip on the man's throat for 5 minutes and at last let go. He was dead.
Now for the main kill.
Rachael stepped out of the car and headed towards the building. She had nearly reached it when she saw a homeless man on the pavement staring at her.
"Oh no. I will have to kill him too."
The homeless man kept on staring at the blond woman and could not get his eyes off her. He scanned her from head to toe. Her beautiful face, her ample cleavage jutting out. Her toned abs, her bellybutton ring, her beautiful shapely legs. He could feel having an erection. Rachael sensed what was happening and thought of a plan. She reached the man and asked him to follow her to the back of the building. The man readily agreed and followed her. As he turned the corner and reached the backside of the building. He could see her standing with her hands on her hips.
"Come to me baby and I will give you so much pleasure."
He came towards her.
She took him by his arms and planted a kiss on his mouth. Slowly she slid her hands up to his chest, still kissing him. Now she had to make her move. She withdrew her hands still on his chest. He wanted to kiss more but Rachael's chilling words stopped him short.
"Now I am going to strangle you to death," she smiled.
As soon as she said this she clamped her left hand on his mouth in case he screamed and grabbed his throat with her right hand. She began choking him with one hand still clamping down on his mouth to stop him from screaming.
The homeless man was too weak to put up any resistance and soon lost consciousness. Rachael kept her grip on his throat for another minute before releasing. He was dead.
Rachael still had 15 minutes to do her job. She started climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor where Tom, her victim lived.
Tom was a man who worked for the Government but had some secret dealings with some foreign country. He was a tall man, very thin. At 34, he was still a virgin and was desperate to have sex. He mustered up the courage and called an escort agency. Tonight was the night he was going to lose his virginity or so he thought.
There was a knock on the door and he opened it. Rachael was standing with her hands on her hips. Tom was awestruck by her beauty as well as her killer body. He silently thanked God and asked her to come in.
"Honey, I have to go in 10 minutes. We'll have to hurry up," said Rachael.
Tom was a little upset but obliged. She took Rachael by the hand and took her to the bedroom. Rachael quickly undressed and before Tom could even open the buttons of his shirt, grabbed him by the hand and threw him on the bed. She gently lowered her naked body on to his and started kissing him passionately. Her hands sliding up and and down on his chest.
Rachael slid her hands up his chest for the last time. She placed both of her hands on Tom's throat still kissing him.
Tom tried to jerk her hands away but couldn't. Rachael withdrew and sat on his chest her hands placed on his throat but she was not applying any pressure now.
"I am sorry but I have to do this."
Saying this Rachael tightened her grip on his Adam's apple and started strangling him.
Tom could not understand what was happening. How could this beautiful woman choke him so roughly? He still thought Rachael was playing a game but his windpipe was getting crushed and he was having trouble breathing. Rachael was feeling dominant over her victim. She was one of the few hit women in the world who liked to kill their victims by strangling them with her bare hands. It gave her a high to see her male victims utterly powerless in her grip. She began smiling and having an orgasm.
She gripped Tom's throat even more tightly and it took her 2 minutes of intense choking to finally kill him.
At last when she was sure that he was dead, she released her grip and stood up. Her naked body was glistening with sweat. She had to have a shower.
She headed for the bathroom.

Rachael Part 1 (Story)

Story 1

The striptease was over. John stared at naked blond woman with his mouth wide open. He was definitely aroused.
"What a perfect figure you have and that face is gorgeous," babbled John. "You should be in movies. Not entertaining people with your lap dances and stripping."
"That is life, my friend," said Rachael in a very sensual voice.
She sat on John's lap and whispered in his ears
"Now Johnny boy, close your eyes and I will make sure you feel you’re in heaven."
She could feel John having an erection and smiled at him. John closed his eyes waiting with anticipation.
"What will she do now," he wondered to himself smiling.
Rachael looked down at her well manicured hands with long red nails and smiled.
John's first thoughts were that she was about to stroke his neck when he felt her hands on his throat. But in an instant, her fingers closed on his neck with her thumbs placed firmly on his Adam's apple. She gave a little squeeze; not a very hard one but it made John open his eyes in amazement.
"You like that baby," said Rachael tightening her 2 handed grip on his throat and with a smile on her face.
By now John was feeling a little uncomfortable but went along with it. He had no idea what was about to happen next.
Rachael continued to tighten her grip on his throat until it was a vice like grip. She continued to smile down at him as if there was nothing wrong. By now, John was having difficulty breathing. She caught both of Rachael's wrists with his hands and tried to jerk her hands away from his neck. Nothing happened. Rachael's grip was just too strong. By now, John's face had begun to turn red. His eyes became round like saucers. He could not believe that a naked woman was strangling him with her bare hands and he could not do anything about it. He began to struggle with all his strength but to no avail. Rachael continued to strangle him, A sick sadistic smile still on her face.
"If you don't struggle, this will be over soon," she said and tightened her grip even more.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door of the apartment. This was an unexpected development. Rachael rolled her eyes just as John gave out a strangled scream.
Rachael realized that whoever was at the door, would have certainly heard the scream. Keeping her right hand on John's neck, she used her left hand to cover his mouth. She adjusted her grip on his neck so that she would now have a strong one handed grip on his throat. Her left hand still covering his mouth to prevent him from screaming any further. She was very careful not to cover his nostrils.
"Who is it?" she shouted to the unseen visitor at the door.
"Package delivery for Mr John Locker." It was a male voice.
"Just give me a few minutes, kind of busy right now."
"No problem ma'am. Take your time," the delivery guy answered.
She realized that she would have to kill the delivery guy too. Can't keep a witness.
She looked down at John and smiled.
By now her right hand was tightened around John's throat like a clamp. He breathed his last in a few seconds.
Rachael let go of his neck and stood up. Without bothering to put her clothes on she opened the door.
The delivery guy looked very young. Was very skinny and not that tall. Rachael began to feel pity for him.
"Please come in," she said and stood aside to let him enter the apartment.
The guy was flabbergasted by the sight before him. A beautiful naked woman stood before him. He did as he was asked.
As soon as he entered, he looked over at John's dead body on the couch and whirled around to face Rachael.
"I heard a scream a while back from inside. I hope everything is alright," he said.
"Too bad you heard that. Now I have to kill you too."
Before the guy could react, Rachael's right hand flashed upwards and caught the man by the throat. She backed him up against a wall and tightened her grip.
"Let's try something. Let me see whether I can lift you with one hand. A kinda one handed throatlift, if you will," said Rachael in her usual sensual voice.
The man, by now was pleading for his life. Rachael brushed his pleadings aside and heaved him upwards with her right hand still attached to his throat.
To the man's amazement, he could feel his feet get off the ground. Suddenly he found himself 2 feet above the floor.
He could not believe what was happening. A naked woman was holding him by his neck off the floor, that too with one hand.
He began to kick her with both his legs dangling off the apartment floor. A few kicks crashed into her stomach, just above her beautiful round and deep navel. Even though it hurt, Rachael did not show it on her face. She kept on smiling up at him and lifted him even higher.
"Looks as though I am stronger than I thought I was," Rachael laughed, "let me see whether i can break your neck."
With a sudden twist of her wrist, she snapped the man's neck. He was dead.
She threw the corpse to the floor and rubbed her stomach. It was still hurting.
As she was dressing, she looked at the 2 dead bodies and smiled at her.
"Hmm, 14 kills in 4 months and all of them strangled with my bare hands. Not a bad record," she thought to herself.
She exited the apartment still with a smile on her face.