Saturday, 31 December 2011

Rachael Part 5 (Story)

Rachael's son had been kidnapped and they wanted a ransom. Rachael had no intentions to pay up but she decided to kill the gang members. How dare they kidnap her son? She reached the designated spot where she was supposed to make the drop and waited for someone to come. Eventually, one of the gang members came and approached her.
"Did you bring the money? Where is it?"
"It is in this bag," said Rachael handing over a bag containing paper.
"O.K. Your son will reach home in 2 hours. Do not contact the police. Now go home."
As soon as he turned Rachael lashed out at him. Before he could take out his gun Rachael had grabbed him by the throat with one hand. With her other hand she took out the gun and discarded it. She placed both her hands on his throat and lifted the man's 170 pound frame off the ground.
"You see how strong I am. Now tell me where you are holding my son otherwise I will kill you."
The man was too stunned to speak. He tried to pry her hands away from his throat but could not. Rachael chuckled at his attempt and tightened her grip.
"I'll tell you everything. Please let go."
Rachael loosened her grip and put the man down. She kept on a one handed grip on his throat and hissed, "O.K. now speak."
"Your son is being held half a mile from here in a rundown building. Our boss is there with 3 guards."
"Any more information."
"Just that a whore is supposed to come and entertain us."
Rachael knew this was her chance. She looked at the man and said, “thank you. You have been very helpful. Now you die."
The man was terrified. His eyes became huge saucers. Rachael tightened her one handed grip on the man's throat and just stood there. The man realized there was no escape and tried to fight back. Rachael was amused. She placed her other hand on the man's throat and again lifted him up a good 2 feet in the air. He was being virtually hanged only that the noose was this woman's bare hands. Even as he was dying, the man could not help but wonder how beautiful this woman really was. Eventually he passed away and Rachael threw the lifeless body to the ground.
Now she had to pose as a hooker. Luckily underneath her coat she was wearing a top which revealed her massive cleavage and toned abs and navel. She discarded her coat and entered the building. As soon as she did so she was accosted by 2 guards. She told them she was the stripper. This pleased the guards.
"Just go down this corridor. Third door to your left. The boss is in there," said one of them.
"Thanks. Just one more thing, now both of you die."
As soon as she said it both her hands flashed out and gripped the men's throats. One in each hand. She pushed them up against a wall and with a single handed grip on each of the men's throat started strangling them to death. She did not even try and explain why she was doing this. The men eventually died a very slow death.
Because of the exertion, Rachael was sweating profusely. She made her way to the room where the boss was and knocked. The boss let her in and was amazed she was sweating so much. The room was bare except for a wooden bed. Rachael quickly took her top off and placed it on the floor. She asked the boss not to take his clothes off. "I am going to do something different today. Go lie down on the bed and I will be there in an instant."
This intrigued the boss. He lay down on the bed and motioned to Rachael to come to him. Rachael lowered her naked body on that of the boss and started kissing him.
"What is the different thing that you will be doing?" asked the man.
"Just this."
Saying this Rachael placed both of her hands on the man's throat and started strangling him.
"The boy you kidnapped is my son. If you want to live tell me where he is."
The boss panicked. He was having trouble breathing.
"He is in the next room. Please leave me."
"Thank you and sorry. Thanks for telling me where my son is and sorry that I cannot let you live. How dare you kidnap my son? You will have to pay for this."
Rachael adjusted her grip on the man's throat and placed her thumbs on his Adam's apple and began strangling him to death. She applied her death grip for a full 3 minutes. Her strong fingers tightly woven around the man's bull neck. She felt his body lurching forward and everything became still. She kept on the strangle hold for 2 more minutes and let go. He was dead.
She quickly put on her top and skirt and went into the next room. It was unlocked. She opened it and saw her son lying on the floor. There was a guard in the room. Rachael motioned to his son to keep quiet when he saw him and quietly crept up to him.
"Hey," she said in the most amazingly sweet voice.
The guard whirled around and came face to face with her. He could not take his eyes off her with her stunning face and perfectly toned abs and cleavage. Rachael did not even have to anything extraordinary. She just took away the guard's gun away from him and threw it away. She caught him by the throat in a one handed grip and hoisted him off the ground her top coming nearly up to her breasts.
Her son, Aaron, could not believe what he was seeing. Here was his mother lifting a fully grown man by the throat with just one hand. His mouth fell open.
Meanwhile, the guard was fighting for his life. His feet dangling 2 feet high in the air. Rachael kept on the grip for a minute before throwing the lifeless body to the ground.
She turned to her son and ran to him hugging him.
"Don't tell anyone what you saw just now. It is going to be a secret between you and Mommy O.K. Come let's go home."
"O.K.' said her son.

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