Thursday, 29 December 2011

Rachael Part 4 (Story)

Rachael was ready. Tonight was a big assignment for her. She had to terminate a man named Sal. The problem was he had an identical twin. Rachael had to be careful.
"I'll kill both of them," she thought.
Rachael was a hit woman working for a secret organization which eliminated enemies of the state in unique ways. Her weapon of choice was her hands which gave her satisfaction to see her dominance over her victims. She enjoyed her work and her boss took care of any loose ends which might indict her. Not that she was not careful. She was never caught and the cops had no clue what was happening or who the killer was.
Anyway, Rachael was ready. Sal and his brother lived in the outskirts of the city in a 2 bedroom apartment. Rachael reached the spot at 7 in the evening. Posing as a tourist, she knocked on the door. It was opened by a man in his late 20s. Was this Sal?
Sorry to bother you sir, but I seem to have lost my way, can you help me. My name is Rachael."
The man was mesmerized by her beauty. "Sure, please come in. My name is Val."
This was the brother. Too bad he had to die as well.
Rachael went in and asked for a glass of water. She learned that Sal would be home at 8.30. Good, she had an hour.
Rachael decided to turn on her charm. She took off her coat and placed it on the floor. Underneath she was wearing a see through top which did nothing to conceal anything. Val was in awe. Rachael began to seduce him. She sat beside the man and ran her hand over his thighs. Then she began kissing his cheeks.
This was enough for Val. "Let's go to the bedroom. We can be more comfortable there."
Rachael was only to ready. She followed him.
In the bedroom Rachael closed the blinds of the window and undressed herself. She motioned to Val to not to take off his clothes and lie down on the bed. Val did as instructed.
"This is going to be a night you will never forget as long as you live," Said Rachael.
Saying this she lowered her naked body on Val and started kissing him on the lips. Her hands on his chest. Val was in heaven. He could not believe his luck. She was passionately kissing Rachael when all of a sudden he felt Rachael's hands on his throat.
Rachael had very surreptitiously taken her hands off his chest and placed them on his throat. Still kissing him on the lips she started strangling him.
Val was dumbstruck. He tried to remove Rachael's hands from his throat but it was already locked in a vice like grip. Slowly Rachael, keeping her grip firmly placed on his throat sat up on his chest.
She removed one of her hands and caught both the wrists of Val and pinned them down on his chest. She adjusted her one handed grip on Val's throat and squeezed with all her might.
"Well, this is the end. Thank you for a wonderful evening." smiled Rachael.
Val was fast losing consciousness and within 3 minutes he was dead. Rachael kept on her one handed strangle hold for another minute before letting go.
One down, one to go.
As Rachael hid the body in the closet she heard Sal at the door opening it. Rachael had no time to put her dress on. She hid herself behind the door of the bedroom hoping for Sal to come in.
He did in 5 minutes as soon as he did than Rachael sprang up behind him and put her arms around his throat. Sal was flabbergasted for a few seconds but regained his composure and jerked Rachael's hands away. Rachael had a fight on her hands. Rachael knew she was stronger than Sal and so punched him in the stomach with all she had. Sal sat down at the blow. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. Rachael reached down and caught his throat in 1 hand. She jerked him up and brought her other hand to his neck.
"This is going to be nice and quick," she thought.
She backed Sal to the bed and threw him on it and sat down heavily on his chest.
"I came here to kill you. Too bad your brother got in the way. Now it's your time."
Sal's eyes were closed. As soon as he heard Rachael's voice they flew open. Rachael placed both her hands on his throat placing her thumbs on his Adam's apple and began strangling him.
Sal tried desperately to jerk her hands away from his neck. But she was too strong and he could not even budge them. It took Rachael 30 seconds to finish him off and another minute to make absolutely sure.
Rachael was exhausted by this time. She quickly got up and got dressed and left the apartment. She was mighty pleased with what she had done.

1 comment:

  1. I love Rachael and Jessica's stories. They are sexy, erotic and hot. Why dont you make more ?
